ATD Dallas Sponsorship and Advertising

Click here for Sponsor Levels and Details!
By sponsoring the ATD Dallas Chapter, your organization will be able to share your brand with learning and talent development professionals throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Select which approach or level aligns to your needs to promote your businesses.
Chapter Sponsorship
Get involved at the chapter level to build brand awareness while connecting, engaging, and networking with our 330+ members
1A. Chapter Partner - $7995
1B. Chapter Sponsor - $2995
Advertisement Options
Explore options to advertise with us through our website, chapter emails, or social channels
1C. Advertisement in Chapter Email (Image) - $100
1D. 6-Month Advertisement in Chapter Email (Image) - $600
1E. Item in Chapter Email (Verbiage+Image+Link) - $250
1F. 6-Month Advertisement on Website (Homepage) - $750
1G. 6-Month Video on Website (Homepage) - $1000
1H. Social Media Post - $150
For more information contact:
Additional sponsorship opportunities are available for our Signature Events! Check out levels and benefits for the AXIS Awards and Southwest Learning Summit.