ATD Dallas Technology SIG
Hosted by: Leslie Lingle of nThrive & Deanna Fischer of Fischer MicroTech

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Facilitator: Mary Hancock
We often think of learning technology as only for online learning. But you can take a page out of the eLearning developers’ handbook and make use of technology to augment traditional classroom activities. Adding even small layers of technology can give a facilitator what any good trainer wants – the undivided attention of the learner. This can have a transformative effect on your learners, increasing engagement, interactivity, and ultimately knowledge and skill retention. Join us for this informative discussion on incorporating technology into your next instructor-led workshop.
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
- Incorporate polling software to augment traditional group discussion and Q&A with your class.
- Use free software tools like Mindmeister and Trello for brainstorming activities.
- Use QR codes to simulate an Escape Room style activity.
- Add music and audio sound effects to enhance the learning experience.
For online participation:
Please register for Making the Classroom Fun Again - Tips, Tricks, and a Case Study on Oct 10, 2018 12:00 PM CDT at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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About the facilitator:
Mary Hancock, owner of Key Point Learning, is a training consultant with over 20 years of experience in learning and development. Her areas of expertise include: learning design and development, project management, technology change, business process design, workshop facilitation, and training evaluation.
Mary’s special depth of knowledge is in the design, production, and implementation of blended learning, including instructor-led, virtual ILT, video, mobile learning, and eLearning.
Bring your own ideas, questions, and challenges to see the demonstration and join in the discussion!
5543 Legacy
Plano, TX 75243
Front Desk: 972-361-8001

You are welcome to arrive early to network and get settled prior to the start of the meeting. You are welcome to bring your lunch or purchase lunch at the onsite cafeteria, if you would like.
All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115.
Questions? If you have any questions please contact the ATD Dallas office at 972-233-9107 ex224 or email