ATD Dallas Technology SIG
Microlearning Video Session
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Facilitator: Erin Champion
Microlearning has powerful applications in today’s fast-paced workforce, providing employees with a flexible and accessible way to learn new information at their own pace. Videos are particularly effective channels for microlearning. Video engages a viewer on multiple levels and in doing so can increase knowledge retention.
One of the best parts about animation is all the bells and whistles you can add in, at little to no additional cost. In GoAnimate, a web-based video animation tool, you can introduce new characters, props, and settings with a click of the mouse. You can add audio narration or background music or visual on-screen text.
Customer Success Training Manager, Erin Champion, will walk you through the process of creating a microlearning video start-to-finish, using GoAnimate. She’ll talk through the theory and give you a sneak peak at GoAnimate’s new video maker which helps streamline the production process.
At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:
- Storyboard a microlearning video.
- Create a microlearning video in GoAnimate’s new video maker.
- Understand how to build fluid character animation.
- Create a custom character.
To join this session remotely:
GoAnimate New Video Maker - ATD Dallas
Wed, Apr 11, 2018 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129; Access Code: 964-807-021
About the facilitator:
Erin Champion
Customer Success Training Manager, GoAnimate
Erin joined GoAnimate in 2015 and soon after became the resident expert on GoAnimate’s video maker platform. In her role as Customer Success Training Manager Erin draws on her background in video journalism and understanding of advanced video editing tools. She works with a wide range of enterprise organizations across industries to help tell their stories through video. Whether it’s training on the platform itself or teaching video storytelling techniques, Erin hones in on the key factors that enable customers to create powerful videos.
5543 Legacy
Plano, TX 75243
Front Desk: 972-361-8001

You are welcome to arrive early to network and get settled prior to the start of the meeting. You are welcome to bring your lunch or purchase lunch at the onsite cafeteria, if you would like.
All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115.
Questions? If you have any questions please contact the ATD Dallas office at 972-233-9107 ex224 or email