Dallas ATD Learning & Development Special Interest Group
Hosted by: Vicki Lauter, Linda Gasaway and Julie Mitchell
Strategic Training Development
Friday, October 6, 2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Facilitator: Erika Dorsey
Training and instructional systems design (T&ISD) teams are constantly challenged to do more with less and often become order-taking centers stuck in a tactical loop. In time, chaos can be seen and felt by the T&ISD team as well as outside observers. As a result, very few organizational stakeholders understand the value that the team delivers for the organization.
According to LinkedIn’s 2017 Workplace Learning Report, business impact is the number one measure desired by CEOs. Therefore, there must be a burning imperative to find a fix. What is the solution? – A well thought-out operational design (infrastructure and processes) and long-term training and development strategy. It is key to delivering on an organization’s strategic business goals. During this session, we will collaboratively explore the impact that a solid operational model can have on your team and your organization.
Participants will learn:
- How to develop and implement a T&ISD Team operational model
- How to use an operational model to create infrastructure and processes
- How to bring order to chaos by moving away from tactical order-taking to strategic program management
- How an operational model can be used to communicate T&ISD Team’s value throughout the organization
Erika Dorsey
Sr. Manager - Learning & Development - Build, Samsung
With a lifelong passion for development of people, Erika has over 17 years of experience in Instructional Design & Learning Strategy. As Sr. Manager of Samsung Electronics America’s Learning & Development ISD Build Team, Erika is leading current and future development strategies in the following areas:
- Leadership and Professional Skills
- Onboarding and Cultural Assimilation
- Functional/Competency
- Diversity & Inclusion, and
- Career Development
She was formerly the Director of Training and Instructional Design for nThrive (a healthcare IT company). Erika is currently co-leading the Talent Management Special Interest Group for the Dallas ATD.

6001 Summerside Drive
Dallas, Texas 75252
Location host: Donna Tharp, Adult Education Manager
When: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
You are welcome to arrive early and get settled prior to the start of the meeting.
All members of ATD Dallas are welcome to attend any SIG any time. Non-members are welcome to join us for up to 2 complimentary sessions. After that, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will need to join ATD Dallas by paying the annual dues of $115.
Questions? Contact 972.233.9107 ext. 224 or email info@tddallas.org.
Why do you want to attend the January Lunch & Learn SIG meeting?
Because… You will learn principles that work from the best-selling book, Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
Because… A cohesive team will:
- · Make better, faster decisions as people are aligned and on-board
- · Leverage the skills, talents and opinions of all team members
- · Ensure conflict becomes productive and healthy versus draining and damaging
- · Focus on the results versus self-interest and politics
- · Create a competitive advantage and sets your organization apart
- · Eventually become “A Best Place to Work”
Join us for this interactive, engaging SIG where we will explore the behaviors that create a high performing team, give you practices to bring to your own organization and insight as to why this concept has been embraced and widely accepted around the world.
About the speaker:
Mary Anne (Wihbey) Davis, founder of Peak Performance Solutions, has been an active member of ATD for many years. She has served on the board and has clients in every industry. Mary Anne and her husband, Roy Davis, are on the front line of bringing relevant programs, tools and products to their clients around the U.S., Mexico and Canada. They are proud to say four Texas clients have been voted best place to work!