Introduction to Brainshark
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Facilitator: Sonia Trantor
Are you ever rushed to get online learning published (like yesterday?)?
Are you looking for a faster / easier / flashier way to publish some online courses?
Join us this month for an interactive presentation on Brainshark!

Brainshark is a web-based application that allows users to create video presentations with ease. While originally targeted to marketing and sales users, Brainshark is a valuable tool for educators because it enables voice-overs, is interactive, and is easy to use! Brainshark can be used to:
- Add sound to PowerPoint presentations.
- Share documents and explain their meanings.
- Share photos and give vivid descriptions.
- Review important passages in texts.
- Provide a more personal interaction with online students.
- Give online lectures...and more!
About the presenter:
Sonia Tranter is a Senior Manager of Instructional Design at MedAssets. Sonia’s core responsibility is creating online sales and soft-skill training. After receiving an M.A. with an emphasis in Media production, she’s worked in the education and training industry for 19 years—working now at MedAssets to utilize different resources and methods to develop a blended learning approach to the organization’s learning and talent development programs.
Bring your own ideas and challenges to see the demonstration and join in the discussion!
Location: MedAssets
5553 Legacy
Plano, TX 75243
Front desk: 972.361.8001
*Feel free to arrive at 11:45am to network and get settled prior to the meeting start.
Bring your own lunch or visit the Cafeteria in the building if you want to pick up a lunch.
All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115.
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Questions? If you have any questions please contact the Dallas ASTD office at 972-233-9107 ex224 or email